Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Faculty of Science

Department of Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Mr.SounSovan, Head Tel: (855)-12-840-581
Room: # 113A, Campus I
general information
The degrees in pure and applied mathematics equip Cambodian students with the skills and competencies necessary to contribute to the development of Cambodia as teachers, statisticians, scientific managers, actuaries, system analysts and so on. After two years general education, students choose their specialisation in third year. Students who aspire to be teachers take the pure mathematics course, while students preparing for employment in the private sector choose applied mathematics.
Following the devastation of the education system during the years of the Khmer Rouge regime, the degree in mathematics was originally designed to train large numbers of secondary school teachers to meet the needs of all upper-high-schools in Cambodia. As the Cambodian economy developed in the late nineties, RUPP has recognised the need to prepare Cambodian students for careers in business and industry. The introduction of new courses in modern applied mathematics is already equipping many students with relevant mathematical skills and competencies.
Candidates must have a High School Certificate and sit the National University Entrance Examination on Mathematics and Khmer Culture.
Students are assessed on written examinations throughout their degree.
ResourcesThe Hun Sen library contains a large section of recently published advanced university textbooks in mathematics in both English and French. The department has also translated twenty important texts into Khmer, which students can access. A small computer laboratory with appropriate mathematical software is also available for students.

Department of Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in ChemistryBachelor of Science in Biochemistry

Mr. Long Lay, Head, Chemistry Tel: (855) 16-987-778
Room: #513, Campus I Email: llchemrupp@yahoo.com
general information
The Department of Chemistry offers two degrees - a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. Students study the same course for two years and specialize in their third and fourth years.

Both courses offer students theoretical knowledge and practical skills in chemistry. Graduates in chemistry often pursue a career in the academic field as teachers or researchers. However, some graduates choose to develop careers in the chemical and industrial sectors, in chemical laboratories, and in factories such as in brewing, noodle production or in quality control. These areas are currently in high demand due to an increase number of factories in Cambodia. Most students choose to study one more year at the Faculty of Pedagogy to qualify as teachers.
Chemistry was included in the Faculty of Science that began in 1964. From 1975-1980, as with all other forms of higher education, there were no classes in chemistry. From 1980-1989, when the University reopened as a teacher-training college, students were also taught to become chemistry teachers to serve the need in high schools. In 1990, a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry began with a new curriculum focusing more on applied chemistry to prepare students for careers other than teachers.

Over the past year the department has had the voluntary assistance from Dr. Sambath Chung, a professor from America, who helped develop the biochemistry laboratory and establish an internship program at the Pasteur Institute where students have been able to perform practical research experiments.
Students sit examinations throughout their degree. A major examination is sat at the end of the fourth year to determine the student's final grade.
All applicants must have a High School Certificate and pass a National University Entrance Examination on General Culture and Chemistry. Each year approximately 40 students are chosen for the English stream and 25 students for the French stream.

Department of Physics
Bachelor of Science in Physics

Dr. Chhum Navy, Head Tel: (855) 11-906-911
Room: #401, Campus I Fax: (855) 23-880-116
Email: caradvchton@bigpond.com.kh
general information
The 4-year Bachelor of Science in Physics covers the major aspects of classical, modern and applied physics.

Classical physics, otherwise known as Newtonian physics, explains natural phenomena above the scale of the atom. Classical physics covers mechanics, electricity and magnetism, heat and light and is taught in years 1 and 2.

Modern physics covers atomic and nuclear physics, quantum mechanics and wave theory and is covered in great detail from year 3. In year 4, students are taught statistical physics, solid state physics and group theory. The advanced mathematics and statistics required to study these subjects is also taught by the Department of Physics.

The study of applied physics (engineering) is also included in the physics degree. Its focus is on electronics and communication, as these are important areas for the growing Information Technology (IT) sector in Cambodia.

Graduates in physics gain employment as teachers and in IT and related sectors.
All applicants must have a High School Certificate and pass a National University Entrance Examination on General Culture and Physics. Each year approximately 40 students are chosen for the English stream and 15 students for the French stream.
At present students are assessed on their understanding of theoretical knowledge and practical experience through end-of-semester examinations. In the future, grades may combine class assessment as
well, including attendance, participation, and laboratory work.

Department of Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Dr. Ouk Chhieng, Head Tel: (855) 12-754-344
Room: #101, Campus I Email: chhieng@yahoo.com
general information (Bachelor of science in computer science)
With the rapid progress and rising popularity of computers and information technology (IT), computer knowledge is quickly becoming one of the most sought after skills in almost all professional fields. The main objective of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is to provide students with the necessary training and technical knowledge in various aspects of software for the IT industry. The course prepares students to be skilled IT professionals who are able to meet the demands of the economy, particularly in the development of computer application systems for companies in Cambodia.

Upon completion of this 4-year degree, students will be able to:
§ Design and code structured programs in commonly used high level languages, programming and object-oriented programming.
§ Utilize rational database management systems.
§ Effectively communicate and develop network and Internet systems.
§ Apply structured and object-oriented development approaches in software development.
§ Assist in formulating and developing Client-Server solutions and Client-Sever database systems.
§ Identify the components in various computer systems configurations.

Students who graduate from this course find employment in a wide range of private and public services and organizations. Graduates may work in client service, web development, network operations, program structuring, data structuring and object-oriented programming (OOP).
The Department of Computer Science was established in 1990 in response to the government's National Information Technology plan for 2000-2005, which aims to increase the progress of computer information technology within Cambodia and other developing countries in the region. The department’s role in this plan is to train Cambodian students to be skilled IT professionals in order to share the benefits of IT in a global network.
All applicants admitted to Department of Computer Science should have a High School Certificate or equivalent certification. Applicants should have basic reading and comprehension skills in English and literacy in Computer Science.

The Department of Computer Science offers a government scholarship course as well as non-scholarship fee-paying courses. Each year 30 new students are selected for government scholarships following an examination in mathematics. Non-scholarship students can study computer science for a fee of $US450.00 per year.
The course consists of lectures, tutorials, and programming practicals. Students are assessed through small written projects, presentations, discussions, workshops and examinations. About 30% of the training time is allocated to practical work.

During the last 30 weeks of the final year, students may undertake work experience in a professional work environment (industry, factory, company, service or ministry) where they will combine their theory and practical study conducted at university, and complete a live project.
Computer engineering students have access to approximately 200 high standard computers in several PC laboratories. The university has also created links with companies in the industry to give students the opportunity to put theory into practice in a real working environment. Companies where students can gain work experience include the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Mobitel, Camnet, and Bigpond.

Department of Biology

Bachelor of Science in General Biology
Bachelor of Science in Botany
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
Bachelor of Science in Zoology

Ms. Cheng Mak Phan, Head, Tel: (855) 23-881-425, (855) 12-561-610
Room: # 413, Campus I
Students studying in the Department of Biology gain knowledge on plants and animals, and important laboratory research and fieldwork skills. Students spend the first two years studying the same course and gaining a solid grounding in general biology before specialising in their third and fourth years.

In Cambodia there is an increasing demand for laboratory-trained professionals in the agricultural, medical and food production industries. Students learn skills for work in medical laboratories, plant breeding farms, beer brewing and food production plants. Graduates may also work at environmental organisations, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, or undertake further training to be come teachers.
The Department has been supported by various international organisations over the years, including Maryknoll (staff development and preparation of student resources), Australian Volunteer International (capacity building and curriculum development), AUPELF (financial support).

In 2002, with assistance from Dr. Sambath Chung, a professor from the United States, the department set up a genetics lab to demonstrate to students basic and fundamental principles of genetics and possibly to do original research in the future.
The University requires all applicants to have a High School Certificate and pass the National University Entrance Examination examinations on General Culture and Biology.

Department of Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

Ms. Va Dany, Head Email: evironment.rupp@everyday.com.kh
Mr. Saneth Vathna, Deputy Head Phone: (855) 23- 882-976, (855) 11- 876- 037
Mr. Seak Sophat, Deputy Head (855) 11- 887- 504, (855) 12-933- 089
Room: #112A, Campus I Fax: (855) 23- 882- 976

General information
Knowledge of environmental science is important in a world of continually changing environments, but particularly in Cambodia, where development takes place without sustainable planning. In addition, the lack of implementation and enforcement of environmental laws is another obstacle to environmental protection and conservation. Therefore human resources in environmental science are vitally needed to push works toward maintaining safe, healthy and sustainable living standards for the whole population of Cambodia.

In Cambodia, there are many jobs waiting for students with a degree in Environmental Science, including teaching, work at the Ministry of Environment or relevant NGOs and private sector.

The Department of Environmental Science offers students a multi-disciplinary approach to the knowledge and understanding of complex environmental issues and concerns. The 4-year degree provides an opportunity for students to learn how to conduct and investigate environmental issues.
In 1993, the Royal Government of Cambodia established the Ministry of Environment with the aim of trying to curtail and control Cambodia's many environmental problems. However, at the time, there was no center where Cambodians could be trained in environmental management.

To meet this demand, in 1995, with assistance from the Canadian Embassy, the Royal University of Phnom Penh ran a one-year Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Studies. Experts from non-governmental and international organisations and government agencies came to voluntarily lecture with the aim of training the students in turn to become lecturers and activists in the environmental field. Eleven of these subsequently received scholarships to study Master Degrees in Environmental Science at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand. When these graduates returned to Phnom Penh seven of them established Cambodia's first undergraduate program in Environmental Science at RUPP. The first batch began in 2000.

1 comment:

Jason h said...

Hey! i'm going to cali this sunday.. gonna be there for a week, this is the site i was talking about where i made the extra cash. later!

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