Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Khmer Literature
Bachelor of Arts in Khmer Literature

Mr Thea Sok Meng, Head Tel: (855) 12-894-494
Room: #304, Campus I
general information
The Bachelor of Arts in Khmer Literature gives students the ability to explain, analyse and compare all aspects of the Khmer language and literature. Students gain expert knowledge on special characteristics of Khmer language and literature and Khmer culture and identity, which is the basis of the Khmer nation. They understand the importance of good international relationships for friendship, solidarity, prosperity and world peace. As Cambodia is increasingly involved in exchanges with foreign countries, it is important that Cambodians understand their own culture.

During the 4-year degree, students learn methods and skills for social research that can be utilised in a wide range of careers including teaching, journalism, and various work in government ministries in areas such as information, tourism and culture and non-government organizations (NGOs).

A 3-year Maitrise and DEA in Linguistics began in February 2002. It is run by French professors from the University of Besançon (France) and two Khmer staff and is attended by Khmer Literature lecturers.
A Faculty of Khmer Language was established in 1985 at what was then called the Ecole Normal Superieur. It then became the Department of Khmer Literature in 1996 under the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, when the institution was renamed the Royal University of Phnom Penh. The course was established to provide a deep awareness and knowledge of the Khmer language, literature, culture and civilization, to consolidate national identity and rebuild the nation after the years of unrest.
Applicants must have a High School Certificate and pass a University Entrance Examination on Khmer Culture and Literature. The degree is also available to foreign students who have studied the Khmer language for at least two years.
Assessment is based on semester examinations, written assignments and fieldwork at archaeological sites such as Angkor Wat and Angkor Borei. Final year students either write a thesis, or do coursework and take a final examination. The thesis option, usually reserved for the top 10% of the class, must be over 35 pages, and is presented before or on the day of the final exam.
Students and staff have access to the Sociology library.

Department of Geography
Bachelor of Arts in Geography

Mr. Meng Moeun, Head Tel: (855) 12-944-314
Room: #306, Campus I Email: uppdema@forum.org.kh
general information

The Bachelor of Arts in Geography provides students with knowledge of human and physical geography to meet the high demand for people skilled in natural resources management as well as for geography teachers in high schools. Particularly relevant to Cambodia are people equipped with skills to be effective managers in the agricultural industry.

After completing the 4-year degree, many students spend a year of teacher training at the Faculty of Pedagogy. Graduands are accepted into various careers related to the environment across government, non-government and private sectors.
Geography has been taught at RUPP since its inception in 1960 to meet the need for geography teachers, particularly in upper high school where there is still a shortage across the country.

From 1995-1997, the French organisation, CERPAA (Centre for Population Study and Research in Africa and Asia) assisted the department by training students and staff from RUPP and other institutions in demography. From 1997-1999, Louvain La Neuve University (Belgium) took over this support role. Both organisations helped the department establish a library (Room 301B, Campus I). The library is now administered by the Centre for Population Studies, which began in late 2000. At the same time, a Population Research, Training and Policy program was established to strengthen research skills and staff development. It is supported by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and the Australian National University (ANU).
Since 2001, staff members have been trained by a senior lecturer from the Australian National University (ANU) on population research, training and policy. In September 2001, several staff members went on a study tour to Lambaga University (Indonesia) to learn about curriculum development. Lambaga University also sent a staff member to the Royal University of Phnom Penh.

Department of History
Bachelor of Arts in History

Mr. Ngin Vuth, Head Tel: (855) 12-928-196, (855) 12-844-527
Mr. Sombo Manara, Deputy Head Email: smanara@hotmail.com
Campus II, RUPP
General Information
The Bachelor of Arts in History provides students with knowledge of Khmer, Asian, and World history, with a particular focus on the socio-economic and political development of Cambodia and the Southeast Asian region.

Graduates can enter a number of professional fields, including teaching, research, and work at various ministries, libraries and non-government organizations.
This history course was established in 1980 and developed gradually alongside similar courses in neighbouring ASEAN nations with the help of New Humanity, Italy and the Toyota Foundation. It was established to promote knowledge of national identity and international events, and to develop human resources necessary for building Cambodia, a place that has never lacked the experience of history. It is hoped that the students of history will help promote Cambodia by understanding the history of the world and their own country.
Applicants must have a High School Certificate and sit the National University Entrance Examination on Khmer History and Khmer Culture.
Students are assessed for each subject through class discussions and assignments (10%), attendance (20%), essay writing and fieldwork (20%), and end of semester examinations (50%). At the end of the fourth year some students will write and present a small thesis instead of a final examination.
History staff have access to the Centre for Population Studies (Room 301B, Campus I), which has a library and offers staff development training.

Students in the Department of History have access to the Campus II Library.

Department of Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Ms. Nhong Hema, Head, Psychology Tel: (855) 12-841-332
Room: #309, 310, Campus I
general information
Given Cambodia’s recent traumatic history of war, political tension, natural disasters, and rapid economic change, there is a high rate of people requiring psychological assistance. As a result there is a great demand for people trained in psychology in both rural and city areas.

The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree provides solid educational training in psychology for individuals who want to alleviate the many social and mental problems particularly prevalent in Cambodia.

Graduates find work as counselors at mental health and community clinics, schools, rehabilitation centers, and non-government organizations. They can also work for the government in areas such as the Ministry of Women's Affairs or Social Affairs. Some graduates continue their studies at the Faculty of Pedagogy and become teachers.
From 1980, the Department was a combined Psychology and Teacher-Training unit, called the Department of Pyschopedagogy. From 1993 onwards, the 4-year course changed to concentrate on just psychology to coincide with international standards. Students who wanted to become teachers studied for an extra year at the Faculty of Pedagogy.

The Department of Psychology has developed links with over ten organizations that offer practicum and work placements to students and graduates, and provide guest lecturers to the department. These include:
Transcultural Psychology Organization (TPO)
World Vision Cambodia, (Bamboo Shoot Program for street children and New Ship Program for sexual exploitation and trafficking)
Center for Child Mental Health, Takhmao Hospital (exchange documents and guest speakers)
Friends (street children)
Agir pour les Femmes en Situation (AFESIP) (street children and women in distressing situations)
YWAM (counseling for widows, street children and people with sexual problems)
Social Services of Cambodia (community mental health, counseling groups)
Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center
Preah Sihanuk Mental Health Clinic
Phsar Doeum Thkov Rehabilitation Center
In addition, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) offers funds for graduate work in Siem Riep.

Foreign specialists have provided workshops and courses and to assist with curriculum development, including two people from Monash University, Australia.
Applicants must have a High School Certificate and pass the National University Entrance Examination on General Culture and Mathematics.
Students are assessed mainly by examinations. The final exam is worth 50% of the assessment grade. In year four, top-ranking students may write a thesis on a subject of particular interest to them and take a free elective course. The practicum gives students the chance to gain practical experience over two days a week for one semester. Students are required to maintain a high level of attendance and participation in order to pass the degree.
The Department offers a Counseling Service for all students and staff of the University, free of charge. People who feel mentally stressed from difficult situations such as poverty, living away from their family etc, are encouraged seek assistance from the service. Close friends of students and staff may also be offered counseling free of charge. Patients who require medication are referred to the Department’s partner organizations, such as the Transcultural Psychology Organization (TPO). Psychology students also use the service to observe practitioners and gain practical experience.

The Department also has a small library for students and staff, as well as a computer donated by Maryknoll NGO for student use in writing theses and assignments.

Department of Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

Mr. Khmao Savorn, Head Tel: (855) 11-861-798
Mr. Sok Keang, Deputy Head Tel: (855) 12-840-242
Campus II, RUPP
general information
Students in the Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy degree will gain advanced knowledge and understanding of world and Cambodian philosophy that will help the government and organizations committed to improving life in Cambodia make more informed decisions about the future of the country. The study of philosophy in high schools around the country is vitally important for Cambodian society as a basis for moral education.

Philosophy is important for understanding the meaning of life, how people think in everyday life and their conceptions of reality, and what is morally good or bad and behaviour in human society as a whole. The course also promotes world peace through an understanding of thought patterns of people in Cambodia and from foreign countries.

Graduates of the 4-year degree often pursue careers as philosophy teachers, journalists, or work in various ministries and non-government organizations (NGOs) to develop informed policy.
This department has been in existence for a long time, but was developed alongside similar projects in neighbouring ASEAN nations in 1996 with the help of New Humanity, Italy. The Department was established to build human resources and help build the country, which now lacks the foundations of philosophy. It is hoped that students of philosophy will build the country by considering the evolution of Khmer society and the world and the worldviews of people from generation to generation.

Over the years staff members have trained with overseas professors from various institutions including New Humanity, Italy, the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, Sydney University, Australia, and Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines. Staff are currently seeking financial assistance to conduct further research in Cambodian Philosophy
Applicants are required to have a High School Certificate and sit the National University Entrance Examination on Philosophy and Khmer Culture.
Students are assessed for each subject through class discussions, study activities, monthly tests and attendance (20%), essay writing (20%), and an end of semester examination (60%). In the fourth year students write a thesis or sit a final examination. Seminars are also conducted in this course where students are required to analyse philosophical problems.
For further research students and staff have access to the Campus II Library.

Department of Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Mr. Kim Sovan Kiry, Head Tel: (855) 12-822-049
Campus II, RUPP Email: socrupp@forum.org.kh
general information
Students in the Bachelor of Arts in Sociology degree examine social issues around the world, with a particular focus on developing the latest knowledge and skills to help find solutions to social problems in Cambodia. Students examine youth issues, environmental issues, mass media communication (ethical and honest journalism etc), the impact of international organizations in promoting economic development in poor countries, and the impacts of tourism.

The study of sociology, linking general theories to real situations in Cambodia, helps to establish the causes of social problems. Sociological research can assist the government and other organizations in deciding how to appropriately give aid to help improve all aspects of social development in Cambodia. Research on community development conducted by the Department has already contributed to the generation of action plans that clarify the role of the government and NGOs in a way that will benefit the people in certain areas, helping to foster community development at an accelerated speed and create long-lasting relationships.

Graduate opportunities include work in research and social development in the government, such as the Ministry of Rural Development, non-government organizations and private companies.
After two decades of civil war, the main objective of the department was to develop human resources and society. The sociology course, the first in Cambodia, was established in 1994 under the direction of the Ministry of Education, with assistance from New Humanity, Italy. It was established to equip Cambodian people with the knowledge and skills to help the government make informed policy decisions and strategies for alleviating social problems in Cambodia.

New Humanity, Italy assisted by training about 25 new staff, mostly teachers and graduates from the Philosophy, History, Geography and Khmer Literature departments at RUPP. The first students were taught by lecturers from New Humanity. Since then students have been taught by graduates of the sociology program. Over the past few years, faculty staff have been involved in research and research training in conjunction with New Humanity, Italy and the Heinrich-Boll Foundation as well as other universities and NGOs, including World Vision, National University of Shishu and the Japan Institute of Labor.
Candidates must have a High School Certificate and pass the National University Entrance Examination on General Culture and Khmer Literature.
Students are assessed by attendance (66%), monthly assignments and end of semester examinations. In second, third and fourth years, they undertake field research to put their skills into practice. At the end of third year, students submit a proposal for a B.A. thesis paper. If this is accepted they will continue to research and write their paper. Otherwise they will undertake coursework and a final examination.
Sociology students and staff have access to research material at the Campus II Library, Hun Sen Library, and the Centre for Population Studies (Room 301B, Campus I), which has a library and offers staff development training.

Department of Media and Communication/CCI
Bachelor of Arts in Media Management

Mr. Phan Sopheap, Acting Head Tel: (855) 23-882-514, (855) 12- 618-821
CCI office, IFL compound Email: DMC@bigpond.com.kh
general information
The Bachelor of Arts in Media Management in September is Cambodia’s the first bachelor degree course in media studies. Unlike the professional short training courses run by RUPP/The Asia Foundation and the Cambodia Communication Institute (CCI), this course designed to train students across a broader range of media-related academic disciplines to give a solid understanding and a variety of perspectives on various media environments.

The 4-year degree prepares students to be standard bearers of the media profession, to help create and maintain the highest-quality independent journalism and media management that will serve the needs of the Cambodian people. Students will learn skills to become effective, creative and ethical practitioners and managers of the mass media, fostering a free, viable and socially responsible media in Cambodia. They will learn to identify, understand and explain events and issues, and share information with Cambodian citizens, giving them greater capacity to comprehend, understand and respond their world.

The Department hopes to become Cambodia’s premier academic training ground for mass media professionals, to acquire regional recognition, and offer other media-related degrees such as journalism and public relations.
The Department of Media and Communication was established in 2001 after RUPP and the Royal Government of Cambodia recognised a strong need for professional media studies. The majority of journalists and media managers in Cambodia do not have relevant qualifications and many expressed their desire for greater opportunities to engage in advanced academic studies to become recognised experts in their field.

The Bachelor of Arts in Media Management began in September 2001 with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (resource staff, curriculum development, and related materials), Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) (curriculum development and provision of expert lecturers), and from Ohio University (RUPP Staff Development - Master degree).
Applicants are required to have a high level of English language proficiency (reading, writing, listening and speaking), have a High School Certificate, and take two entrance examinations. The first examination, set by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, is on General English and General Comprehension (in Khmer language). If the applicant passes the first examination, they will be eligible to sit a second examination, set by RUPP, on General Comprehension relevant to the field of media (in English language). Applicants who pass the final examination are eligible enter the BA program the following academic year.
Students are assessed by review tests, written assignments, homework, end of semester examinations and attendance.
The CCI was annexed to RUPP in 2003, providing a basic resource centre, which the department plans to expand to a comprehensive service for media education and research, including a media library and computer centre with Internet capacity. The Asia Foundation has donated hundreds of new books relevant to the field.

Department of Tourism
Bachelor of Arts in Tourism management

Mr. Neth Baromey, Head Phone/Fax: (855) 23-884-523
Mr. Kuon Vannsy, Deputy Head Mobile: (855) 16-859-780, (855) 12-880-171
Room: #108, Campus I Email: upprecto@forum.org.kh or rupptourism@yahoo.com.au
general information
The Department of Tourism (DoT) first commenced. Following the success of this Program, the Department then launched a four-year Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Management in 2003.

Following the success of the one-off Master Program in Tourism Development in partnership with the University of Bologna, Italy and the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, The Department of Tourism (DoT) offers a Bachelor of Tourism Management, an integrated, interdisciplinary degree committed to high standards and quality in teaching and research in tourism. It provides a course in tourism principles and practices, and spans the disciplines of business, economics, environmental planning, psychology, cultural studies, sociology, marketing, geography and information technology. The course provides fundamental knowledge and skills in tourism planning, management, development and research. The degree will offer students the opportunity to work towards creating an ecologically and culturally sustainable industry that promotes viable economic and social returns to the community.

Employment opportunities include occupations in government ministries, hotels, travel agencies, educational institutions, tour operations, airlines, non-governmental organizations, and development research institutions.
Cambodia’s attractiveness as an international tourist destination has grown significantly since the early 1990's, and it is predicted that within five years, if present increases continue, the number of foreign tourists visiting Cambodia could exceed one million visitors per year. The result of this is the generation of many new managerial and administrative jobs in tourism marketing, development, planning, visitor services, and hospitality. In response to the need of capable human resources to work for the tourism industry in this century, the Royal University of Phnom Penh established this program.
Because the course is aimed at producing qualified human resources, the Department requires that candidates must hold a High School Certificate and pass written and oral English tests organized by the Department in cooperation with the Royal University of Phnom Penh.
Students are assessed for each subject each semester through tests (30%), homework, presentation and assignments (20%), participation and attendance (10%), and final examination (40%). At the end of the fourth year students will write and present a project or do a tourism industry practicum and write a report.
The staff and students have access to the library in the Department of Tourism during working hours. In addition, they, particularly year-one students, are also encouraged to use Hun Sen Library.

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