Sunday, July 22, 2007

University Linkages

University Linkages

Government Links
The support of the Royal Government of Cambodia, particularly the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is critical to the life of RUPP. All degrees and course programs at RUPP have been approved and supported by the Government. The support covers electricity and utility costs, staff salaries, and important resources such as computers. The Prime Minister and other government representatives have also participated in the University’s graduation, cultural and opening ceremonies.

ASEAN University Network (AUN)
In 1999, RUPP became a member of the ASEAN University Network (AUN). The AUN, established in 1995 for capacity building and collaboration in the field of higher education in South East Asian countries, provides opportunities for staff and students to attend training and conferences in other ASEAN nations. RUPP President, Lav Chhiv Eav, is Cambodia’s representative for higher education at the AUN.

International Links
RUPP has a strong international focus. It has signed Memoranda of Understanding with many international universities. These MOU provide for academic cooperation between the universities, including staff and student exchanges and curriculum development assistance. In 2006-2008, RUPP has held active MOUs with the following universities:
Monash University; University of Technology, Sydney
University of Gembloux
Simon Fraser University
Guangxi Normal University; Guangxi University for Nationalities; Qingdao Binhai University; Jinan University; Tsinghua University
Le Centre International de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees (CIMPA); L’Universite de la Mediteranee; Universite Paris 13; Universite de Tunis el Mana; Universite du Sept Novembre a Carthage (Tunisie); Universite Saint Joseph (Liban); L’universite du Maine
University of Mittweida
University of Bologna
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; Showa Women’s University; Nagoya University; Waseda University; Soka University
Yonsei University; Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; Chungnam National University; Chung Cheong University; Cheongju University; Ewha Women’s University; Korea University; Kongju National University; Yeungnam University; Sun Moon University; Youngsan University; Sungshim Women’s University; Keimyung University
National University of Lao
Ateneo de Manila University; De la Salle University

Burapha University; Mahasarakham University; King Mongkut’s University of Technology; Khon Kaen University; Chiang Mai University; Mae Fah Luang University; Asian Institute of Technology (AIT); Buriram Rajabhat University; Chiang Rai University
Ohio University; Northern Illinois University; Texas Tech University, Texas State University
Hanoi National University of Education; Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology; Institute of Materials Science; Institute of Physics and Electronics

Links with International Organizations:
RUPP has also fostered direct links with Non Government organizations across the world. At present, NGOs offering direct support to RUPP are:

Agency for Personal Service Overseas, Ireland
Japan Relief for Cambodia
The Asia Foundation
Jesuit Service Cambodia
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Korean Embassy, Phnom Penh
Australian Volunteers International
Korean International Cooperation Agency
Agence Universitaire de Franconie
KoreanTrade Agency
Agence Universitaire Partiellement Etude de la Langauge Francaise
Latter Day Saint Charities
Bilance of the Netherlands
Book Aid International (UK)
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)New Humanity, Italy
British Embassy, Phnom Penh
OMF, Cambodia
Cambodian Development Research Institute (CDRI)
Overseas Missionary Fellowship
CAMA Services Cambodia
Posco TJ Park Foundation
Centre for Population Study and Research in Africa and Asia (CERPAA)
Quaker Service Australia
Christian Care for Cambodia
Singapore Volunteer Overseas
Church of Latter-Day Saints
Toyota Foundation
Cooperative Services International
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
EPSICOPAL Conference Italy
UFJ Foundation (Japan)
The French-Cambodian Association
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
The French Cultural Centre
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
French Embassy, Phnom Penh
United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)
German Embassy, Phnom Penh
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Heinrich Boll Foundation, Germany
United States Information Service
The Japan Foundation, Cambodia
US Embassy
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Volunteers Service Abroad (VSA)
Japan Overseas Volunteers Cooperation (JOVC)

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